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The Jakarta post/Load Her Up ( Kel.1 NOUN )




noun  \ ˈnau̇n \

Definition of noun

a word or phrase that is the name of something (as a person, place, or thing) and that is used in a sentence especially as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition

A noun is a part of speech, and parts of speech simply refer to types of words. You may be familiar with a lot of basic parts of speech, like nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Nouns identify people, places, things, and ideas. Nouns can be categorized as either common or proper. Common nouns name general people, places, things, and ideas, while proper nouns name specific people, places, things, and ideas. For example, examples of nouns naming people would be:

Common NounProper Noun
presidentBarack Obama
teacherMrs. Sanders
In our first column, we have general, or common, nouns. In our second column, we have specific, or proper, nouns. Note that typically, the first letter in a common noun isn't capitalized unless that common noun is the first word in a sentence. The first letter in a proper noun is typically capitalized.
Nouns also identify places. Common nouns naming places include 'hometown,' 'country,' and 'airport.' Corresponding specific, proper nouns would include 'Cincinnati,' 'Argentina,' and 'Hartsfield International Airport.'
Nouns identifying things include 'space shuttle,' 'movie,' and 'cartoon.' Those are common nouns, and proper nouns that correspond with them to name particular things would include 'Challenger,' 'The Godfather,' and 'The Simpsons.' Nouns identifying ideas include 'joy,' 'boredom,' and 'liberty.' So, now that nouns may be a bit more familiar, you can no doubt guess that they are very, very common in sentences.

The Jakarta Post (LOAD HER UP) The(aritlce) roll(noun)-on(preposition) / roll(noun)-off(preposition) ferry(proper noun) prayasti is(tobe) seen(auxiliary) docked(mainverb) at(preposition) the(article) domestic(adjective) terminal(noun) of(preposition) PT Indonesia kendaraan’s(possessive adjective) terminal in(preposition) tanjung priok(propernoun)  , north(adjective descriptive) Jakarta(propernoun)  after(conjuction) the(article) inauguration(noun) of(preposition) a(article) long(adjective) distance(noun/abstrack noun) ferry service plying the(article) Jakarta(propernoun) Surabaya(propernoun), east(adjective descriptive) java(propernoun)  route on(preposition) Sunday(propernoun)  (JP/Wendra Ajistyatama)   List of Noun


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